(Photo by author.)
🎵: South Street by Brutalist
The format of this poem is important to me, so I put a screenshot first. ✌️
Two men.
Both love you.
You love them both.
One soft, one lost.
Agreed, each, to watch over your heart.
They trade their face when the other sleeps.
Your pretty eyes and arms are so big, dream.
The duo fight to fit inside.
You painted the smile they caress in the mirror.
In the book beside their bed you've written the most magnificent chapter. The story of a boy without a mask.
The pages hold a hero they read over, and over, with wonder and hope. The story of he who conquers monsters to be king, whose robes match his flowing queen's. Her hands, so gentle, they can slow the world and pause wars. Her fingers carry him and ringed forever, and neither need sacrifice. His own follow.